Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Favorite Fall Dessert

The fruits of the season are always my favorites. The flavor, quality and price can't be beat when produce is in season so right now I am loving all the squash, the apples and pears. 

I can almost smell the fruits and the cinnamon even as I simply think about and begin to write about this Fall Fruit Bake. I hope you like it as much as I do. 

The Recipe . . .

Keep in mind that this is a guideline. Don't get too caught up in exact measurements.

Fall Fruit Bake

3 apples, any variety 
1 pear
1/4 cup dried cherries
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons water

Quarter the apples and pears, core, and dice. Place in shallow microwavable dish. Add remaining ingredients; mix. Cover the dish and microwave for 6-8 minutes until fruit is very tender.

Serve at once with ice cream.

Here's What I Do . . .

Since my family and friends enjoy this dish, I usually use 1 piece of fruit per person. If I have 2 or 3 pears that need to be used, I might use more pears than apples. If I don't have any pears I might simply use all apples. Use what you have and what you like. 

Do not peel the fruit. The fiber is good for the system and it add some texture to boot. If you use a red apple, a green apple and a yellow pear the color is wonderful, too.

I like dried blueberries, too. So, substitute for cherries if you wish. Or you could use raisins. 

Sometimes I use sliced almonds instead of the walnuts. 

I love cinnamon! I usually use at least a heaping teaspoon and I like the addition of 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg if I think about adding it, too.

If I am using a pie plate, I simply turn a plate upside down to cover. Maybe you have a covered casserole dish you could use. If not, use a piece of microwavable plastic wrap to cover your dish. You want to keep the steam in, to soften the fruit as it cooks.

Now For The Kicker!

This recipe is super as it is, but it is out of this world when served with a scoop of Cinnamon Ice Cream. Put the fruit and a scoop of ice cream (vanilla is also very good) in a dish and watch the ice cream begin to melt as you slowly savor each bite. 

Enjoying it with a good cup of coffee and the company of very good friends is one of my favorite ways to spend a fall Friday evening.


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