Thursday, September 20, 2012

Kitchen Fun Tonight!

I need a kid friendly dessert for a family event on Sunday. I was in the mood to try something new so I went searching on one of my favorite recipe sites, where I found Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies. What kid wouldn't like that? I'm thinking most adults would like that, too! After all, what's not to like about peanut butter or sandwich cookies? So, putting them together is bound to be a winner. I noticed this recipe has 4 1/2 stars out of 5 and lots of reviews, which I quickly perused and decided this one was worth a try.

My finished cookies! Success!

You, too, can find this recipe by clicking here.  

I made the recipe as written with one change. The recipe as written calls for 1 cup of shortening. I used 1/2 cup shortening and 1/2 cup butter. I'm sure all shortening would have been good, too. 

I used my smallest cookie scoop to make the balls, so they would all be similar in size. Since this is a two cookie serving I wanted the single cookies to be small. 

Dip your fork in sugar to keep it from sticking as you flatten the cookies.

Do not over bake! I baked for 6 1/2 minutes and watched them closely. As soon as they began to turn golden I yanked them out of the oven and let them rest on the hot pans for a couple of minutes as the next pan went into the oven. 

When frosting the cookies, put a dollop in the center of the flat side of one cookie, and top it with another cookie putting the flat sides together and gently pushing them together to spread out the frosting. 

As I was making the sandwiches I thought chocolate frosting would be mighty tasty, so part way through I added 1 tablespoon of baking cocoa to the frosting and made the remainder peanut butter chocolate sandwich cookies. Yum! 

Can you see the two different frosting fillings?
I predict that these cookies will be a hit with kids of all ages! They are flavorful and chewy. I will keep them nice and soft by putting a slice of bread in the plastic container with the cookies. 

Now, lest you think I have jumped head first into a vat of sugar and fat with all my talk about Snicker Salad and Peanut Butter Cookies here's what I ate for supper tonight . . .

Grilled cod and mini peppers with salad. Tasty!

Jeremiah 31: 25 ~ For I have given rest to the weary and joy to the sorrowing.

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