Friday, January 4, 2013

Long Time No Post

Our family has had a New Year's tradition longer than we have had some of our family members. Our girls have grown up with this tradition, which includes food and fun with some special friends. As the evening wears on we begin rehashing the year before we eventually set some goals for the next year. A couple of years ago we feared the day would come when none of us would recall our dreams, goals, and plans for the year so we began writing them down and putting them in an envelop to open the following year. 

This year we had a huge loss and some really big joys to discuss, but we did get around to  our plans for 2013. This is such a special time and I always learn something new about these people I love so much! 

One of my specific goals pertains to this page so here we go!

The Pertinent Plan

Since I have ignored writing for a bit too long, I spoke out loud and put in writing my plan to blog more often. I wanted to say once a week, but I don't want to fail, so I lowered my standards to twice a month (in writing) through 2013. 

Easing Back In

A few photos from the past few weeks or so will have to suffice for now.

One of my all time favorite Christmas cookies.

Festive veggie plate, this one made by some young friends.

Soft chewy lightly spiced cookies

Deep dark chocolate cookies with mint chocolate chips

I made lots of these caramels from my mother's recipe,
just carrying on her tradition.

Tiny cream wafers are sandwiched together
with a delicious rich pink frosting.

Rachel and I had fun making peppermint marshmallows
 to adorn a cup of hot chocolate.

A tiny herd of strawberry Santas

I love sugar cookies!

My new cookie cutter.  Did I say I love sugar cookies?

One of my favorite new creations, Santa bread.
This one has really red cheeks!

Another festive tree.

One of our many Christmas feasts. The ham isn't on the table
yet and the cast iron kettle is filled with my
brother's Parmesan Potatoes.

Some yummy soup that kept me warm this week!

What next?

I'm not sure, but stay tuned. It won't be long!

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