Saturday, May 3, 2014

Mrs. Clark's Clean(er) Eating

Over past couple of months I have been cleaning up my eating. That means I have been doing my best to avoid processed foods, eating whole foods instead. I'm not saying I have completely come clean, but I have cleaned up my act. By avoiding most processed foods, I feel like I can allow myself an indulgence every now and then. Sugar becomes a treat, not something I am mindlessly eating at every meal. 

Since I have been eating this way I haven't been using many recipes. In the words of my sister Pam, "I don't use recipes I just make stuff." And that's about right. I don't use many recipes and if I do, it is for inspiration, rather than for following. I simply cook real food. 

Here's What I Mean . . .

Tonight's dinner of vegetables, whole grains and shrimp

This was a typical evening dinner for me. I chopped up some yellow pepper, some onion and some kale. I cooked that in some lightly salted water water along with a brown rice and barley mixture, making a pilaf. While the pilaf was cooking I made the salad with spring mix and spinach, green pepper, cucumber, shredded carrots and tomatoes. I cooked the shrimp quickly in a bit of coconut oil, just enough to grease the skillet. I cooked it for only a couple of minutes, until the shrimp turned white and pink. I sprinkled on a little salt and pepper and some oregano and thyme. I dressed the salad with a bit of olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper and garlic. I drizzled a tiny bit of that dressing over the shrimp, too. Delicious!

I was inspired to change up my eating by watching my girls eat as they have learned to minimize sugar and processed foods. If they can do it, surely I can do it! About the same time, my church offered a class called The Daniel Plan which focuses on keeping all aspects of one's life healthy and strong. In the food portion of this study, minimizing sugar, MSG, and hydrogenated fats was urged along with maximizing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. All of this sort of worked together to challenge me to make some changes. 

And Next . . .

Tomorrow morning I will be cooking some buckwheat for breakfast. That will be new! My plan is to cook it like oatmeal along with some chopped apple and cinnamon. 

I hope you enjoy hearing a bit about my latest adventure in the kitchen. 

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